Rural Access Library

The ReCAP Rural Access Library is part of the Partnership’s knowledge dissemination strategy. The resources available in this library are free to access, this means that you will not need a password or login. The library contains research studies generated by ReCAP and by AFCAP1 and SEACAP. AFCAP1 and SEACAP are previous programmes on which ReCAP (including AfCAP and AsCAP) has built additional knowledge. The more recent phase of the Africa Community Access Partnership (AfCAP) builds on AFCAP1 (Africa Community Access Partnership 1), which ran from 2008 till 2014. Instead, the recent Asia Community Access Partnership (AsCAP) has further developed the SEACAP (South East Asia Community Access Programme) knowledge, the latter programme ran from 2004 till 2009.

On the library page, an engine can be used to search for outputs and documents. You can search by country, theme, subtheme, keywords, author, institution, year and type of document. The “How to search the Library?” section provides all the information you will need to download the files containing the ReCAP, AFCAP1 and SEACAP publications.