AfCAP or Africa Community Access Partnership is a research programme funded by UK aid over a period of six years. The programme follows on the AFCAP1 (Africa Community Access Partnership 1) which ran from 2008 to 2014. The aim is to investigate and research new design standards and maintenance of low-volume rural roads as well as the provision of transport services in rural areas in African countries. The AfCAP programme tries to stimulate effective policies and practices based on its research findings.
AFCAP1 focused on raising the profile of research in participating countries through the construction of trial sections using innovative design approaches and locally available materials to provide safe, cost-effective and sustainable access for rural communities. The successful outcome of the programme resulted in the identification and implementation of innovative strategies for improved rural accessibility. National guidelines, manuals and standards have been created and then expanded from 2014 by the new AfCAP programme. The key research outcomes of AFCAP1 can be found on the ReCAP website looking at the Previous Programmes section.
The ReCAP website offers access to an open-source library, the Rural access library where you can find publications and case studies part of the AfCAP programme by selecting the countries you are interested in. In addition, in the Regional and Cross-Regional Projects section you can access several projects based on themes that have been identified as of common interest to both AfCAP and AsCAP (Asia Community Access Partnership). In this section, you can also find additional background information on cross-regional projects.