- Ministry of Works & Transport
- Tanzania National Roads Agency (TANROADS)
- Tanzania Rural and Urban Roads Agency (TARURA)
- National Institute of Transport (NIT)
- Other relevant national bodies competent and with expertise on design standards
- Representatives of the Project Core Group (IRF, TARA, iRAP, PIARC, UNECA)
- Chair: Prof. Nurdin K. Mushile, CoET, UDSM
- Secretary: Eng. Hamis R. Waziri, TANROADS
- TARA Coordinator: Eng. Abdul Awadh
- Project Core Group Lead: IRF and PIARC
- Mapping out policy, standards, guidelines and manuals applied for construction of new roads and maintenance and upgrading of existing roads in Tanzania;
- Performing a review of standards, guidelines and manuals to assess their suitability for addressing safety needs of all road users and reaching targets 3 and 4;
- Exploring options to address identified gaps and drafting revisions needed to update and upgrade the current standards, manual, and guidelines;
- Outlining a process to ensure standards, manuals and guidelines are maintained and updated regularly.