Australasian Centre for the Governance and Management of Urban Transport, Melbourne, Australia

GAMUT (Governance and Management of Urban Transport) is a collaborative research centre dedicated to promoting and supporting sustainable urban transport in Australia and the Asia Pacific region. Based at the University of Melbourne, GAMUT works with a network of researchers to focus attention on the need for innovative institutional design for integrated transport systems. GAMUT is one of a global network of Centres of Excellence in Future Urban Transport created by the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations, an independent research and educational institution.

Address: GAMUT
  PO Box 4191,
  The University of Melbourne,
  Victoria 3052,
Telephone: +61 (0)3 8344 7475
Fax: +61 (0)3 8344 5532


Austrian Mobility Research (AMOR), Graz, Austria

Austrian Mobility Research works for sustainable environmental-friendly and people-friendly traffic development. The range of activities includes research, consulting, training, and project implementation in the field of mobility management. Customers of AMOR profit from the flexible and interdisciplinary teams, offering years of international and national experience. 

Address: FGM-AMOR Austrian Mobility Research,
  Schönaugasse 8a,
  8010 Graz,
Telephone: +43 316 810451-13
Fax: +43 316 810451-75

Centre for Transport Studies, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa

The Centre for Transport Studies is a multidisciplinary research and postgraduate teaching body based in the Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment at the University of Cape Town. The purpose of the Centre is to stimulate debate and undertake research that focuses on the equity, sustainability and efficiency problems associated with current urban passenger transport systems in South African cities, and on the development of practices and skills that are consistent with the goals and objectives of a changed South African legislative and policy environment. The Centre's priorities in curriculum development, and in undertaking research, are to contribute to the equitable, efficient and safe accommodation of the travel needs of poorer households within urban passenger transport systems, and to the promotion of more efficient and sustainable travel behaviour patterns and transport system operations. 

Address: Centre for Transport Studies,
  c/o Department of Civil Engineering,
  Faculty of Engineering and the Built Environment,
  University of Cape Town,
  Private Bag X3,
  Rondebosch 7701,
  South Africa
Telephone: +27 021-650 3499
Fax: +27 021-689 7471

China Urban Sustainable Transport Research Center (CUSTRec), Beijing, China

Established in 2006, with the support of Volvo Research and Educational Foundations, The China Urban Sustainable Transport Research Center (CUSTReC) strives to be a national, regional, and international Center of Excellence for research and development, communication & dissemination, and education & training in future urban transport.


Address: China Academy of Transport Sciences,
  No.240 Huixinli, Chaoyang District,
  P. R. China
Telephone: +86-10-58278505
Fax: +86-10-64964252

Institute for Transport Studies (ITS), Leeds University, Leeds, UK

ITS is the largest university-based transport teaching and research organisation in Europe. The ITS mission is to advance the understanding of global transport and to develop skills in transport professionals, from a unique inter-disciplinary perspective. 

Address: Institute for Transport Studies,
  University of Leeds,
  Leeds LS2 9JT,
  United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)113 343 5325
Fax: +44 (0)113 343 5334

Institute of Urban Transport (India), New Delhi, India

Institute of Urban Transport was set up in 1997 with the objectives of promoting and coordinating urban transport in India. The membership comprises academics, architects, economists, engineers, transport planners, town planners and professionals from various disciplines. The institute is managing the affairs of the National Urban Transport Information Centre of the Ministry of Urban Development, which has been set up to compile data on urban transport in scientifically designed formats and maintain it methodically. A library of books and magazines on urban transport has also been set up in the NUTIC.


Address: Institute of Urban Transport,
  Room No- 217, G-Wing, Nirman Bhawan Annexe
  Maulana Azad Road,
  New Delhi 110 011
Telephone: +91-11-23063054
Fax: +91-11-23063499

Land Transport Authority (LTA) Academy , Singapore

The LTA Academy is a division of the Land Transport Authority (LTA), Singapore. It serves as a one-stop focal point for governments, organisations and professionals around the world to tap Singapore's know-how and exchange best practices in land transport management and development.


Address: Land Transport Authority Academy,
  No. 1 Hampshire Road,
  Blk 5A, Level 1,
  Singapore 219428
Telephone: 1800-2255 582
Fax: +65 6396 1559

OMEGA Centre for the Study of Mega Projects in Transport and Development, London, UK

In January 2006, the Bartlett School of Planning at University College London was awarded a 5-year grant by the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations (VREF) to set up a 'global centre of excellence' in 'future urban transport'. This Centre is at present the only one of its kind in Europe. The Omega Centre for the Study of Mega Projects in Transport and Development (The Omega Centre in short) - became operational on 2nd October 2006 and is directed by Professor Harry T. Dimitriou who leads a team of Research Fellows, Associates and Assistants based in London supported by an international network of experts across four continents. The current focus of our research is to identify 'what constitutes a successful Mega Urban Transport Project?'. A simple question perhaps, but with many diverse and complex answers.


Address: Omega Centre,
  4th Floor, Wates House,
  22 Gordon Street,
  London WC1H 0QB
  United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7679 7506

PORTAL (Promotion Of Results in Transport Research And Learning), Graz, Austria

PORTAL (Promotion Of Results in Transport Research and Learning) is a three year project co-financed by the European Commission within the 5th RTD (Research and Technological Development and Demonstration) Framework Programme which aims to accelerate the take up of EU research results in the field of local and regional transport through the development of new education and training courses and teaching materials.


Address: FGM-AMOR Austrian Mobility Research,
  Schönaugasse 8a,
  8010 Graz,
Telephone: +43 316 810451-13
Fax: +43 316 810451-75

PTRC (Planning and Transport, Research and Computation), London, UK

PTRC (Planning and Transport, Research and Computation) is an independent, international organisation based in London, which specialises in the training of transport, highways and planning professionals.


Address: PTRC Education and Research Services Limited,
  1 Vernon Mews,
  Vernon Street,
  London W14 0RL
  United Kingdom
Telephone: +44 (0)20 7348 1970
Fax: +44 (0)20 7348 1989

UC Berkeley Center for Future Urban Transport, USA

The UC Berkeley Center for Future Urban Transport was established in 2004 after the Volvo Research and Educational Foundations designated it as a Volvo Center of Excellence in a competition involving a large field of international candidates. The Center's mission is to study the mutual interdependence of urban transportation policy and technology and use the understanding of that concept to devise sustainable transportation strategies for the world's cities.


Address: Institute of Transportation Studies,
  109 McLaughlin Hall, #1720
  University of California,
  Berkeley, CA 94720-1720
Telephone: +1 510-642-3585
Fax: +1 510-643-3955