There are currently 108 resources available that are Global in nature and not region specific (of which 22 are useful links and 3 are videos
Urban Mobility
- Cities on the Move
- Empty Seats Traveling
- Motorizing the Developing World
- The City Fix
- The Millennium Cities. Data base for Sustainable Transport
- The Sustainable Urban Transport Project
- Transportation in Mega-Cities: A local issue, a global question
- World Bank: Urban Transport
Demand Management
- Mitigating Traffic Congestion - The Role of Demand-Side Strategies
- Online TDM Encyclopaedia
- Travel Demand Management: Some insights
- Why Manage Transportation Demand?
Car Pooling
- A Mobile Platform for TICO Ride Sharing
- Empty Seats Traveling
- Estimating the Energy Consumption Impact of Casual Carpooling
- Parking Managment in Rapidly Emerging Cities
- Parking Management: Strategies, Evaluation and Planning
- Parking Management, Transportation Tech Sheet
- Parking Pricing Implementation Guidelines
- Traveler Response to Transportation System Changes
Road Pricing and Congestion Charging
- Investing in Sustainable Urban Transport the GEF Experience
- Promoting Global Environmental Priorities in the Urban Transport Sector
Air Pollution and Urban Mobility
- Air Quality Management, Module 5a, Sustainable Transport: A Sourcebook for Policy-makers in Developing Cities
- Measuring the CO2 Consequences of Urban Transport Projects in Developing Countries: The Blind leading the Blind?
- Reducing Air Pollution from Urban Transport
- The Clean Air Initiative
- The Partnership for Clean Fuels and Vehicles
Climate Change and Urban Mobility
- Carbon Footprint Methodologies for Development Projects and Case Studies
- Climate Change Mitigation in the Urban Transport Sector
- Eco-Driving Safely for Buses and Coaches
- Eco-Driving Safely for Taxis
- Eco-Driving Safely for Trucks
- Transport and Climate Change
- Transport and Climate Change: Module 5e, Sustainable Transport: A Sourcebook for Policy-makers in Developing Cities
- Urban Transport and Climate Change Action Plans
Institutions and Management
- Institutions for Urban Transport
- Metropolitan Transportation Planning Institutions:6 International Case Studies
- Urban Transport Institutions: A Sourcebook for Policy-makers in Developing Cities: Module 1b
- Who pays what for urban transport? Handbook of good practices
Mobility Management
- Mobility 2001: world mobility at the end of the twentieth century and its sustainability
- Mobility 2030: Meeting the challenges to sustainability
- Mobility: A city in motion! A traffic-simulation game
- Mobility Management: Sustainable Transport: A Sourcebook for Policy-makers in Developing Cities (Module 2b)
- Safeguarding Mobility - Transforming Transportation
Mobility Plans
Mobility Policies
Non-Motorised Transport (NMT)
- Global Alliance for EcoMobility
- Nonmotorized Transportation Planning
- Preserving and Expanding the Role of Non-motorised Transport, Sustainable Transport: A Sourcebook for Policy-makers in Developing Cities, Module 3d
- The Significance of Non-Motorised Transport for Developing Countries: Strategies for Policy Development
Non-Motorised Vehicles (NMV)
- Cycling Mobility for Equity
- Interface for Cycling Expertise
- International cooperation on the integration of cycling planning in city processes
- The Copenhagen Wheel
- The Economic Significance of Cycling
- Velo Mondial 2006 Cape Town
Pedestrians and Walking
- Economic Value of Walkability
- International Federation of Pedestrians
- Safe Routes to Transit in Developing Cities
- The Global Walkability Index
- Walk Urban: Macro-Scale Indicators for the Urban Pedestrian Environment
- Walkability Improvements: Strategies to Make Walking Convenient, Safe and Pleasant
Shared Bikes
- Bike?sharing: Its History, Models of Provision, and Future
- Bikesharing in Europe, the Americas, and Asia
- SmartBike
- Smart Bikes: Public Transportation for the 21st Century
- The Bike-sharing Blog
- The Bike-sharing World Map
- The Role of Smart Bike-sharing Systems in Urban Mobility
Poverty Alleviation
- Activity Patterns, Transport and Policies for the Urban Poor: Urban Mobility Planning Guidelines
- Mobility and the Urban Poor
- Pro-Poor Spending in the Transport Sector
- Urban Transport and Poverty
- Urban Transport and Poverty in Developing Countries
- Urban Transport and Poverty Reduction (Chapter 3 from "Cities on the Move: A World Bank Urban Transport Strategy Review"
- Urban Transportation and the Millenium Development Goals
- Cities, Mobility and Accessibility: A Summary of the 4th International Conference on Future Urban Transport
- Enhancing the mobility of disabled people: guidelines for practitioners
Public Transport
Bus Rapid Transit (BRT)
- BRT: A Historical Perspective
- Bus Rapid Transit: A Cost-Effective Mass Transit Technology
- Bus Rapid Transit: Bus System Design Features That Significantly Improve Service Quality And Cost Efficiency
- Bus Rapid Transit: Planning Guide
- Bus Rapid Transport and Urban Development
- CAI-Asia and Sustainable Urban Mobility in Asia (SUMA): Bus Rapid Transit Systems
- Fare Collection for Bus Systems
- Making Things Happen with Bus Rapid Transit
Light Rail Transit
Mass Rapid Transit
- An International Review of The Significance of Rail in Developing More Sustainable Urban Transport Systems in Higher Income Cities
- Success and failure in urban transport infrastructure projects
Transit Oriented Development
- Effective Bus-Based Transit Oriented Development
- Strengths and Weakness of Bus in Relation to Transit Oriented Development
Stakeholder Participation
Street Design and Streetscape
Street Traders
Traffic Management
- Experience in Urban Traffic Management and Demand Management in Developing Countries
- Traffic Management and Transport Demand Management
- Urban traffic management
Intelligent Transport Systems
- Intelligent transport: How cities can improve mobility
- Intelligent Transport Systems: Sustainable Transport: A Sourcebook for Policy-makers in Developing Cities: Module 4e
Traffic Calming
- Rethinking Streets
- Traffic Calming Benefits, Costs and Equity Impacts
- Traffic calming: principles and applications
- Traffic Calming: Roadway Design to Reduce Traffic Speeds and Volumes
Urban Freight