There are currently 158 resources available on Europe (of which 41 are useful links and 16 are videos ):
Europe-wide (58)
- Arterial Streets Towards Sustainability
- BESTUFS (Best Urban Freight Solutions)
- Better and cleaner urban transport for Europe
- Bicycles as public-individual transport - European developments
- Bike Sharing in Europe
- Case Study on Outsourced Bus Operations – European Experience
- City-Regions in Europe: The Potentials and the Realities: Special Outlook: The Role of Public Transport Cooperation
- CIVITAS Car Pooling
- Communication from the Presidency on Sustainable Mobility: Informal Meeting between the Transport Ministers of the European Union
- Curbing CO2 emissions from road transport
- Cycling on the Rise: Public Bicycles and Other European Experiences
- Cycling the city
- Developing Sustainable Urban Land Use and Transport Strategies: A Decisionmakers Guidebook
- Ecodriving, a cleaner and cheaper solution
- Environmental Zones in Europe
- EPOMM: European Platform on Mobility Management
- European Cyclists' Federation
- European Mobility Week
- Explore the NOISE
- Good Practice Guide on Urban Freight Transport
- Implementing Sustainable Urban Travel Policies: National Reviews
- Improving attractiveness of cities with city freight solutions
- Inner Urban Freight Transport and City Logistics
- Innovative Urban Transport Concepts
- Intelligent Transport
- Intelligent Transport Systems
- Intelligent Transport Systems: Thematic Research Summary
- Measuring & Observing Pedestrian Activity
- Methodology for the creation of a Traffic Management plan
- Mobility Management Performance in Partner Regions and in the EU
- Mobility Management Strategies for the Next Decades: Final Report
- Mobility Management: Transport & Mobility Training for Energy Agencies and Local Actors
- Mobility Management User Manual
- Mobility Plans: the way forward for a sustainable urban mobility
- Moving Together: Towards a New Culture for Urban Mobility: Citizens statement
- New Seamless Mobility Services: Public Bicycles, NICHES Policy Note 4
- PIMMS: Partner Initiatives for the development of Mobility Management Services
- Planning policies in municipal mobility plans
- Sustainable Urban Mobility in Europe: Key Ingredients for Success
- Sustainable Urban Mobility Plans: A Comparison of the Implementation in Spain and Sweden
- Sustainable Urban Transport
- Sustainable Urban Transport Plans
- SUTP Development in Europe
- The Economics of Car-Pooling: A Survey for Europe
- The Role of Smart Bike-sharing Systems in Urban Mobility
- Thematic Research Summary: Urban Transport
- Toolbox for Mobility Management Measures in Companies
- Towards a new culture for urban mobility: Green Paper and Action Plan
- Towards Sustainable Urban Mobility for Europe: The European Mobility Week: Evaluation and Good Practices of the European Mobility Week 2002 and 2003
- Traffic Calming in Three European Cities: Recent Experience
- Transit oriented development strategies in Europe
- Transport at a crossroads
- Trendsetter: Setting Trends for Sustainable Urban Mobility
- Urban Freight Transport and Logistics: An overview of the European research and policy
- Urban traffic management and restraint
- Urban Transport Performance and Policy: Results of a European Public Perception Survey
Austria (1)
Bosnia and Herzegovina
Czech Republic
Denmark (4)
- City-Bike Maintenance and Availability
- Green Urban Mobility - transport plans for the Copenhagen capital region
- Livable Copenhagen: The Design of a Bicycle City
- The City Bike and Copenhagen
France (19)
- Bus with a High Level of Service: the Busway of Nantes
- Comove
- Cyclocity (JCDecaux)
- CYCLOCITY: A Revolutionary Public Transport System Accessible to All
- Ecotrajet
- Evaluation of mobility plans in the Nord-Picardie area
- Evolution of Travel Modes in Bordeaux: Sustainable Guidelines and Technological Choices
- French network of bike-cities and Bike Sharing Systems in France
- LILLE: Plan de Déplacements Urbains de LILLE METROPOLE
- LYON: Urban Mobility Master Plan
- Mobilien: Paris’ Version of Bus Rapid Transit
- Plans de Déplacements Urbains : Panorama 2009
- Public transportation as driver of urban development
- Rethinking Streets
- The Legal, Regulatory and Tax Framework of Mobility Management in France
- Urban Mobility Plans and Accessibility
- Urban transport in France
- Vélib’
- VELIB Press Release
- Vélo'V
Germany (2)
Greece (1)
Ireland (3)
Italy (7)
- Analysis of Environmental Costs of Mobility due to Urban Sprawl - A Modelling Study on Italian Cities
- Bicincittà
- Bicincittà: Solutions for Sustainable Mobility
- Building consensus to face the Sustainable Mobility Challenge: Experimenting Citizen Juries in Italian Cities
- Primo Convegno Nazionale del Club delle Città del Bike Sharing
- RoadSharing
- Web Portal "Passaggiare": Supporting a Regional Car Pooling Network and Encouraging People Enjoying it
Latvia (1)
Netherlands (6)
- Carpooling success factors (the Netherlands)
- Congestion pricing and parking policy in the Netherlands
- Light Rail Atlas, Amsterdam
- Parking Network
- Traffic calming schemes
- Urban Transport Policies: the Dutch struggle with market failures and policy failures
Norway (3)
- Co-ordinated land-use and transportation planning - Norwegian style
- Oslo City Bikes
- Trondheim Citybikes
San Marino
Spain (4)
- Assessing Public Involvement Effectiveness in Long-Term Planning
- Cemusa Bicycle Sharing Program
- Bikesharing in Barcelona
- The Bicing Effect
- The Experience of Barcelona Provincial Council in the Assessment of Urban Mobility Plans (PMUs)
Sweden (2)
- GIS improves accessibility in pedestrian, bicycle, public transport and car networks (Sweden)
- GOTHENBURG: Mobility Management
Switzerland (1)
Turkey (1)
United Kingdom (43)
- A Sustainable Future for Cycling
- An analysis of urban transport
- Accessibility planning
- C40 cities
- Central London Congestion Charging: Impacts monitoring Sixth Annual Report
- Civilised Streets
- Commission for Architecture and the Built Environment
- Congestion Charging, Transport for London
- Creating a chain reaction: The London Cycling Action Plan
- Demand for Car Pooling in the UK
- Encouraging walking: advice to local authorities
- Feasibility study for a central London cycle central hire scheme
- Home Zone Design Guidelines
- Home Zones: Challenging the future of our streets
- Home Zones - Public Participation
- Hourbike
- Improving walkability: Good practice guidance on improving pedestrian conditions as part of development opportunities
- Intelligent Transport Systems Postnote
- Liftshare
- Light Rail Transit Association (LRTA)
- Living Streets
- Local authority Intelligent Transport Systems: The ITS (UK) Guide to Deployment, Business Cases and Funding
- Making the Connections: Final Report on Transport and Social Exclusion
- Making London a walkable city: The Walking Plan for London
- Manual for Streets
- National CarShare
- Paved with gold: The real value of good street design
- Paving the way: how we achieve clean safe and attractive streets
- People Friendly Design in London
- Road Charging Options for London (ROCOL): A Technical Assessment, Chapter 4 - Public reactions to Charging Schemes
- Road Pricing - A Guide to Public Understanding
- Road pricing. Can the technology cope?
- Road pricing: What are the facts?
- Road User Tolling & Congestion Charging
- Smarter Choices - Changing the Way We Travel
- Smarter Local Transport
- The Future of Urban Transport
- The OYBike System
- Traffic Management and Streetscape
- Walk21
- Walking and cycling: an action plan
- Walking, Pedestrian Strategies and Pedestrianisation
Vatican City