Trade & Transport

This page gives a brief overview of the Trade and Transport theme with a comprehensive site map.

The Trade and Transport theme addresses core issues for transport specialists:

  • Logistics is what enables world-wide sourcing of inputs and distribution of products, just-in-time manufacturing and minimizing capital tied up in inventories. It is the enabler of participation in the modern global economy.
  • Facilitation seeks to insure that government regulation and procedures are not an impediment to growth and/or constraint to legitimate private sector operations.
  • The transport corridor concept enables transport specialists to integrate performance factors and mobilize resources for the enhancement of trade and economic integration.
  • Facilitation and logistics improvements allow industries to be competitive in the international market place and enable communities to generate new economic activities, jobs and a better quality of life. 

This theme will explore concepts and knowledge resources that are available to policy makers in the areas of:

LOGISTICS: Infrastructure without modern logistics is unlikely to achieve the objectives for investment. For industries employing just-in-time manufacturing and supply chain management, effective logistics is an essential factor in investment decisions. This section will provide insights on the latest trends and the role of the government and private sector in building strong logistics operations.

TRADE and TRANSPORT FACILITATION: Increasingly, infrastructure projects include a facilitation component to ensure that the new infrastructure is most effective in fostering economic/ trade growth and mobility. One stop border posts are of particular interest on many corridors. There are many resources available to practitioners in supporting improved facilitation in their projects.

TRANSPORT CORRIDORS as VEHICLES for ECONOMIC GROWTH and REGIONAL INTEGRATION: Development generally occurs along transport corridors. Regional corridors require two or more countries to agree to collaborate to improve performance and link regions. The private sector provides practical operational insights and a bottom-line impatience to achieve results. Corridor institutions seek to commit all parties to performance-related actions.

The Trade and Transport theme web pages are under development. If you have suggestions and recommendations for knowledge gaps in this theme, please contact Lynn.