This information has been gathered from The Transport and Social Responsibility Thematic Group within the World Bank site.
Access for all can only be achieved through bettering various types of transport infrastructure including the pedestrian environment, by working with municipal authorities and rural road authorities. In order to achieve the goal of transport or access for all, one must move from away from vehicle centered transport to people-mobility centered planning. Listening to women, children, the elderly and persons with disabilities, integrating their suggestions in the design, implementation and monitoring of transport infrastructure and services universally benefit all in the end. The goal is to provide access for all or universal access which would benefit not only persons with disabilities or a certain sex and age but the population as a whole.
However, a review of the literature has found that despite the legal frameworks, there are no uniform definitions of the transportation disabled. Nor is there a grasp of the realities on the ground of what it is like to travel as an elderly person or one with disabilities. There is also a lack of indicators and baseline data to plan, implement, monitor and evaluate interventions.
To read more on Mobility and Accessibility click here