"Mobilising civil society to improve governance in transport". Africa region governance Workshop from 23 - 25 Sept 2008 in Yaounde. If you wish to attend the Africa workshop, please fill in the registration form. A limited number of grants are available for travel and/or accommodation.
STOP PRESS: Asia Region Workshop held in Manila June this year - papers will be made available soon on this website.
gTKP Governance Case Studies
We would like to see your examples of especially good governance!
gTKP Country Champions
We are looking for people who enjoy discussion and debate, and who have an active interest in improving governance in transport in their own country.
gTKP road benchmarks
Comparisons between countries.
Road Basics
gTKP is writing a book "Road Basics" to explain how road infrastructure is provided and managed for the benefit of members of the public, politicians, the media and other road stakeholders who are not road specialists but nevertheless are interested seeing value for money and properly maintained roads. We are seeking your contributions.