Evaluation Techniques

A decision-maker involved in transportation infrastructure has a range of techniques at his/her disposal to choose a rational investment alternative by weighing up the advantages (benefits) and disadvantages (costs) of a policy action. The ways in which these advantages and disadvantages are weighed and compared vary according to the type of economic evaluation to be used.

Read more in the gTKP Finance & Economics Topic Information Sheet on Evaluation Techniques.

Key Documents:

  • Aldian, A., Taylor, M. A. P., A consistent method to determine flexible criteria weights for multicriteria transport project evaluation in developing countries, Transport System Centre, School of Geo-informatics, Planning and Building, University of South Australia, 2005.
    The main challenge of multi-criteria analysis application is how to determine criteria weights applied by the decision maker. This paper introduces a multi-criteria analysis method, called proportion method that is suitable to be applied in developing countries.
  • Recommendations for users in the application of Multi-Modal appraisal systems, The World Road Association (PIARC), in French and English, 2009.
    PIARC has researched multimodal appraisal, to publish recommendations for users. These recommendations, as set out in this report, reflect the different needs of developed countries, countries in transition and developing countries.
  • Vickerman, R., Recent Evolution of Research into the Wider Economic Benefits of Transport Infrastructure Investments. OECD and International Transport Forum, 2007.
    Recently, there has been debate on whether there are wider economic benefits from transport infrastructure investments. The main aim of this paper is to bring together the various alternative methodological approaches to this problem.
  • Mackie, P. J., A Set of Guidelines for Socio-economic Cost Benefit Analysis of Transport Infrastructure Project Appraisal, United Nations Economic Commission for Europe, 2003.
    These Guidelines are intended to provide guidance, primarily but not only to CIS member countries, for the selection and appraisal of project proposals. The main goal of the report is to establish a basis for common appraisal methods. It outlines a step-by-step assessment procedure of wider economic impacts.
