IRF has been publishing the World Road Statistics (WRS) since 1964, the only universal source of key strategic data for the international road, traffic and inland transport sector.
The particular strength of the WRS lies in IRF’s exhaustive network of official sources including National Statistics Offices, Ministries, Road Authorities and other relevant governmental departments and institutions.
In addition, leading secondary sources are systematically screened on an ongoing basis to complete and ensure a dynamic data set.
Over the years, the WRS have deservedly established a global reputation as the core reference in the sector for governments, academia, the media, NGOs, investment banks, and public and private companies.
The World Bank notably consults WRS data and indicators in the preparation of its own World Development Indicators, and the tool is acknowledged as a prime resource for the United Nations and other leading institutions.
Book: CHF 459.-
Book & CD-ROM (w/PDF Files): CHF 849.-
CD-ROM or Electronic Copy: CHF 589.-
Excel Files (available by email): CHF 1949.-
Compilation data 1963-2010 Excel Files: CHF 3249.-
Upgrade to Multi-users licence: CHF 1099.-