This report is based on case studies from four countries that have a high-level of customer orientation and the results from a questionnaire sent to the members of the Technical Committee B1.
A survey was conducted among the Technical Committee (TC) members by e-mail. The survey included the following questions:
1. Do you segment your customers? If so, what kind of customer segmentation does you use?
2. Do you collect customer input (or evaluate customer needs)? If yes, what kind of methods do you use (surveys, dialogue, feedback systems, etc.)?
3. How do you integrate or utilize customer input within your road administration?
The answers were analysed together with dialogues among the TC members in order to reach conclusions. The following countries were involved in the process: Australia, Austria, Belgium, Finland, Hungary, Iceland, Japan, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Slovak Republic, Sweden, Switzerland, UK, and USA. Meetings also were held with CEDR (Conference of European Directors of Roads) Task Group 15 (Customer Orientation of Road Administration).