The organization of the regional seminar in cooperation with Grameen Bank and the
preparatory activities leading to the seminar reflected the commitment of ESCAP in assisting countries
of the region in alleviating the growing feminization of poverty. It also underlined the importance
attached to poverty reduction as a goal of development in the region and followed major regional and
global mandates to empower women in poverty. The Second Asian and Pacific Ministerial
Conference on Women in Development, held in June 1994, unanimously adopted the Jakarta Plan of
Action which identified ten critical areas of concern, of which the Agrowing feminization of poverty@
was accorded the highest priority. The Beijing Platform for Action, adopted in 1995, identified women
in poverty as one of the 12 critical areas of concern requiring priority attention of the global community.
The High-level Intergovernmental Meeting to Review Regional Implementation of the Beijing Platform
for Action, held at Bangkok from 26 to 29 October 1999, reaffirmed the region=s commitment in
implementing the Beijing Platform for Action, including the adoption of appropriate measures and
strategies to alleviate the plight of women in poverty.
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