Position Papers
Lorenzo Servadei
HAW Hamburg (Germany)
Published in
Submitted by
Peter Midgley, gTKP
Related theme(s)
Urban Mobility
Europe (EU)

Web Portal “Passaggiare”: Supporting a Regional Car Pooling Network and Encouraging People Enjoying it

The aim of the project is to create an easy and helpful car pooling web portal which guarantees integrity and preservation of released personal information and be a trustworthy platform for drivers as well as passengers. To create such a web portal, it has been necessary the use of distinct and various material and methods, first in phase of apprehension and second in phase of programming. The main areas of the project are two: a social field, detectable in consultations of statistics and surveys as well as in the human interactivity of the web portal, and a mere technical one, which has been mainly expressed in the accomplishing of several internal functions and features. Results would be, in case of success of the site, a useful support to similar car pooling projects. At the same time, the successful experience of collaboration with the municipality of Cesena and the state traffic department could suggest a
different organization of car pooling networks which do not involve any fee or requests of privates (as banners and advertising).