GTZ has been commissioned by the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) to carry out an intensive survey of the problem of poverty and transport and come up with solutions to it. Important results are already being success-fully implemented in Technical Co-operation projects, with urban poverty alleviation gaining more and more importance. The study now on hand represents an important step towards a more intensive appraisal of the issue in question and a practical devel-opment of poverty-oriented urban transport strategies. It is also aimed at contributing to creating more sensitivity among those involved in development co-operation to interre-lations between transport and poverty in cities and the significance of a sustainable urban transport policy.
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Position Papers
Manfred Breithaupt, Stefan Opitz and Dr. Jan A. Schwaab
GTZ, Eschborn (Germany)
Published in
Submitted by
Peter Midgley, gTKP
Related theme(s)
Urban Mobility
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