A series of notes published by the World Bank covering a range of technical and policy issues. Titles include:
- When and How to Use NPV, IRR and Modified IRR
- Risk and Uncertainty Analysis
- Fiscal Impacts
- Where to Use Cost Effectiveness Techniques Rather Than Cost Benefit Analysis
- Relationship Between Financial and Economic Evaluations for Different Types of Projects
- Treatment of Induced Traffic
- Demand Forecasting Errors
- Treatment of Maintenance
- Sources of Operating Costs
- Valuation of Time Savings
- Vauluation of Accident Reduction
- Projects With a Very Long Life
- Projects With Significant Expected Restructuring Effects
- Evaluation of Public Sector Contributions to Public-Private Partnership Projects
- Low Volume Rural Roads
- Treatment of Pedestrian and Non-motorized Traffic
- Evaluation Implications of Sub-optimum pricing
- Economic Appraisal of Regulatory Reform
- Checklist of Issues
- Evaluation of Resettlement Compensation Payments
- Distribution of Benefits and Impacts on Poor People.