General Knowledge
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Submitted by
Caroline Visser
Related theme(s)
Rural Transport
Asia(AS) & Oceania (AUS)
All Countries

Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific – Planning for Accessibility and Rural Roads

The Transport and Communications Bulletin for Asia and the Pacific is a peerreviewed journal published once a year by the Transport Division (TD) of the United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP). The main objectives of the Bulletin are to provide a medium for the sharing of knowledge, experience, ideas, policy options and information on the development of transport infrastructure and services in the Asia-Pacific region; to stimulate policy-oriented research; and to increase awareness of transport policy issues and responses.

The major challenge in rural road development is both to expand road networks in order to provide access to remote areas and to upgrade and maintain already existing roads. The positive experiences of countries that have successfully met these challenges are worth sharing.