This Working Paper on Sustainable Development is the ninth in a series maintained by ADB’s Regional and Sustainable Development Department to disseminate the findings of work in progress and encourage the exchange of ideas.
Transport accounts for 23% of worldwide energy-related carbon dioxide emissions (CO2),
according to the latest estimates of the International Energy Agency, and 19% of these
transport-related emissions come from Asia. Asia’s share in total worldwide transport–
related CO2 emissions is expected to increase significantly, accounting for more than 50% of
the sector increase and growing from 1 billion tons of CO2 in 2006 to 2.3 billion tons by 2030.
This paper discusses the relevance of measuring greenhouse gas emissions, particularly
CO2, from transport and presents a simple methodology for measuring CO2 emissions from
the sector. It aims to guide transport authorities in Asia with a better understanding of
the available tools and methodologies for measuring CO2 emissions and thus strengthen
formulation and implementation of policies and measures that can reduce and prevent
future emissions of air pollutants and greenhouse gas.
Link: Transport and Carbon Dioxide Emissions: Forecasts, Options Analysis, and Evaluation