Position Papers
Ingrid van Schagen (ed.)
Institute for Road Safety Research (The Netherlands)
Published in
Submitted by
Peter Midgley, gTKP
Related theme(s)
Urban Mobility
Europe (EU)

Traffic calming schemes

Commissioned by the Swedish National Road Authority, the current report aims to provide a concise overview of knowledge of and experiences with traffic calming schemes in urban areas, both on a technical level and on a
policy level. Traffic calming refers to a combination of network planning and engineering measures to enhance road safety as well as other aspects of liveability for the citizens. More specifically, in the current report the starting point is that traffic calming schemes in residential areas aim to discourage motorized through-traffic to enter the area and to achieve an appropriate, safe speed of remaining motorized traffic. Traffic calming at main urban roads aims to achieve an appropriate, safe speed. Urbanwide, traffic calming aims to reduce the volume of motorized traffic by providing safe and attractive facilities for alternative transport modes such as cycling and walking.

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