Case Studies
Mr Azeem ur Rehman, Mr Arjun Kant Jha, Ms Varsha Rathore
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Road Safety
Asia (AS)

Traffic Calming in India

Report on theory of Traffic Calming and Empirical Trials in the city of Jaipur

To improve pedestrian safety, CUTS Centre for Consumer Action, Research  & Training (CUTS CART) in partnership with Lund University, Department of Technology and Society, Sweden and with the support of Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA), New Delhi initiated a project named as “Traffic Calming Strategies to Improve Pedestrian Safety in India”. In addition the  Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi has been involved as a consultant partner.
The aim of the project was to produce a theoretical and practical background for producing of guidelines for India on Traffic Calming measures. This is done through the following steps:
  • Background in terms of knowledge about traffic calming measures that have provensuccessful in Sweden and other Organisation for Economic Cooperation andDevelopment (OECD) countries.
  • Field studies at selected sites in the city of Jaipur, Rajasthan, have been carried out.
  • The selection of sites was based on accident data collected from the police districtsin Jaipur. Accident prone locations for pedestrians were primarily selected.
  • By combining the experience from field studies in Jaipur with knowledge aboutsuccessful traffic calming measures from other countries, a set of measures was proposed for each of the studied intersections.
  • In order to assess the effects of the measures it was planned to carry out after studies at these intersections.
The most promising and relevant traffic calming
measures were analysed with regard to their feasibility and possible effects in an Indian