The author has attempted to bring out the significance of mobility in city life. It has discussed how pace of urbanisation and growth of income/affluence has tolled upon mobility because of exponential growth of vehicular population which created congestion, parking problems, inequitable use of road space, and relegated people especially poor, women, children, elderly, differently abled and NMT users to inconvenient situation as far as the present transport system is concerned. City is to provide transport services for mobility to all citizens. The author has also discussed various issues and efforts being made to improve mobility in the urban areas emphasizing the need for more use of NMT especially walking and cycling through integration of various land uses and enabling pedestrian and cyclist friendly environment and compact city/ Transit Oriented Development (TOD). The paper also highlighted how different size classes of cities requireto improve the transport infrastructure to improve mobility. The author is of the opinion that a comprehensive Mobility Plan be prepared within the framework of Urban Plan with policy guidelines for implementation to ensure mobility through development of integrated transport system and innovative use of APPs based services and ITS.The author also discussed how mobility could be studied and plan for residential neighborhood in Delhi with community participation. By and large the future of sustainable mobility in the country is looking up with emphasis for better planning and avoiding urban sprawl.
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General Knowledge
B. C. Datta
NCR Planning Board, Government of India
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General, Urban Mobility
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