Position Papers
Brittany Bonnette
University of Pennsylvania (USA)
Published in
Submitted by
Peter Midgley, gTKP
Related theme(s)
Urban Mobility
USA and Canada (USC)
United States of America

The Implementation of a Public-Use Bicycle Program in Philadelphia

Philadelphia has many worries: from a declining economy, to a population decrease, to severe gun violence. The city suffers from these worries as well as high taxes, poor transportation options and few jobs for many workers, all detrimental the quality of life of Philadelphia citizens. Severe congestion, high costs of car ownership and the mounting price of public transit have severely impeded personal mobility in the city. One answer to this detrimental problem can be found in Europe, through public-use bicycles (PUBs). In over 60 European cities, PUBs have made an enormous impact on personal mobility, allowing citizens to access the city through bicycles, used as a part of public transportation. Through user accountability and theft deterrents, PUB programs provide citizens with a highly efficient and reliable transportation option. Philadelphia could benefit greatly from such a program. Through a study of successful PUB programs throughout the world, Philadelphia can garner information regarding implementation, funding, operation, and infrastructure. All this information will be put forth in order to deliberate on the best practices of other models and see them replicated in Philadelphia. It is hoped that, in the future, Philadelphia will have a very successful large-scale public-use bicycle program, the first of its kind in North America.