With the initiative entitled “Intelligent Telematic Systems Austria – ITS Austria” and the Telematics Master Plan, the Austrian Federal Ministry of Transport, Innovation and Technology has taken on the task of defining and realizing recommendations for the use of telematics in the Austrian transport system.
The stated aim of the Telematics Master Plan is to improve the Austrian transport system by defining a catalogue of measures to be taken for the prioritised use of telematics. Appropriate framework conditions are intended to promote developments that optimise the use of the transport networks and increase the efficiency and safety of the Austrian transport system.
The task of the Telematics Master Plan was to base recommendations for the preferred use of telematics in the Austrian transport system on economically comprehensible cost-benefit analyses. The fundamental criterion for the prioritisation of telematics measures was geared to the ratio of the anticipated benefit to the required effort and expense.
The Telematics Master Plan recommends the realisation of three packages of measures over the next 15 years, involving a total of 34 measures.