Guidelines and Manuals
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Catherine Willis
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Strengthening road safety legislation: a toolkit for road safety legislation workshops (2014)

Since 2012, the World Health Organization (WHO) has developed and led an annual workshop to support countries in the Bloomberg Philanthropies Global Road Safety Programme (BP-GRSP) in developing comprehensive legislation relating to the five main risk factors for road safety (speed, drink–driving, non-wearing of helmets and seat-belts, and non-use of child restraints) and post-crash care. The countries are Brazil, Cambodia, China, Egypt, India, Kenya, Mexico, Russian Federation, Turkey and Viet Nam.

The annual workshops conducted in 2012–2014 were designed to help participants build the technical skills needed to improve road safety legislation or regulation in a stepwise approach using WHO’s Strengthening road safety legislation manual, including:

  • how to continually assess laws on the five main risk factors and post-crash care, based on recommendations from WHO and other international organizations, and to develop recommendations for improvements needed;
  • how to draft new laws or amend existing ones, taking into consideration country-specific technical drafting and procedural requirements, and overall country context;
  • how to communicate the legal changes to enable civil society and other stakeholders to advocate for passage of the laws and their enforcement.