The report identifies several areas where action can be taken towards establishing successful speed management strategies. The first relates to an assessment of appropriate speed for different road types along with a review of existing speed limits, taking into account road function, traffic composition and road design. Basic infrastructure improvements can also be made which by their “self explaining” nature will guide drivers in choosing the appropriate speed. Other effective speed management measures outlined by the report include ensuring sufficient levels of traditional police enforcement as well as automated speed control such as the use of mobile cameras. The report states that “tolerance levels for speed limit excedence should be set at a minimum (e.g. 5%)” and violation of the speed limits should be backed up by effective enforcement. Advances in vehicle engineering and technology, such as cruise control devices and Electronic Stability Control (ESC) can also contribute towards speed control and collision avoidance. As such progressive implementation of the technologies is encouraged on a cost-effective basis. Overall the report recommends that the best approach to speed management is one that takes in to account all of the above whilst taking into consideration the nature of the roads and the current road safety performance in the country where it is being implemented.
N.B. The document is 285 pp. long, here is an alternative link:”speed”