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sevinc yaman
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Social Development & Infrastructure, Making Transport Work for Women and Men Tools for Task Teams

The primary objective  of this study is to provide brief, relevant, and practical tools for World Bank task teams and their country counterparts to facilitate their work in addressing gender issues in transport policies and projects. This responds to the need, expressed by task teams, to repackage and condense existing gender and transport tools in formats more relevant to transport operations. These tools can also be used for training on gender and transport. The term “tool” was selected to convey the notion that these materials are nuts and bolts resources to be used when needed; and to emphasize that they are not requirements or directives.  These tools are intended to complement and be used in combination with the 2010 Transport Sector Paper on Mainstreaming Gender in Road Transport, Operational Guidance for World Bank Staff, the updated electronic Gender and Transport Resource Guide and the Gender and Transport Training tools developed under the Capacity Building for Gender Mainstreaming in Transport initiative. Together these resources offer transport task teams a wealth of resources for enhancing their projects and technical support through greater attention to gender and other social dimensions.