Overviews and Activity Reports
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Susanna Zammataro
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Environment & Climate Change
Asia (AS)

Smart Green Infrastructure in Tiger Range Countries: A Multilevel Approach

Tigers (Panthera tigris), are majestic symbols for many ancient and modern cultures. Unfortunately, they are on the brink of being extirpated from the wild due to poaching, illegal trade, habitat loss and fragmentation. In 2008, The World Bank, together with other stakeholders, established the Global Tiger Conservation Initiative (GTI)1 ?to assist the thirteen tiger-range countries (TRCs)A with their efforts in restoring wild tigers and their habitats.? Early on, tiger experts identified infrastructure (transportation, mining and hydropower in particular)2, as a major contributing factors in habitat degradation. Although the situation for wild tigers is critical and challenging, there are still excellent opportunities for financing agencies, governments, business owners/operators, engineers, and local communities to ensure that infrastructure is smart, green and tiger-friendly.
This study followed a multi-level approach at the international, national, sectoral, and project levels. It examined policy infrastructure challenges and opportunities, using lessons learned from case studies, along with regional and in-country analyses. While there are options for improvement for all countries, Russia, India, Bhutan, and Nepal have developed a good foundation of conservation, planning, and policy efforts.

Link: Smart Green Infrastructure in Tiger Range Countries: A Multilevel Approach