The paper discusses, in its six sections, the core areas that should be dealt in relation to Road Fund in Ethiopia. The first part is devoted to discussion and disclosure of conceptual matters in general. Some points are raised as a prelude to proceed at ease to the body of the paper, and others are merely views to deliver key aspects that need to be addressed prior to dwelling into local situation. Background information on Road and Road Transport is provided to inform the reader about the general situation of the industry before proceeding to next sections. Separate qualitative presentation is made about the current situation of Road Fund in Ethiopia with shortly verified justification. The fourth section is the core part of the paper that covers more detailed analytical understanding of current situation and on-going activities. Presentation is made in the form of SWOT analysis (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats). Some of the bullet points lead to summary and recommendation section of the paper. Finally, basic quantitative description of the Road Fund performance in Ethiopia is presented in section six of the paper.
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General Knowledge
Office of the Road Fund Administration, Ethiopia
Published in
Submitted by
Olim Latipov
Related theme(s)
Finances & Economics
Africa (AFR)