Position Papers
World Bank
Published in
Submitted by
Catherine Willis
Related theme(s)
Road Safety, Governance
All Regions

Report on Institutional Structure for Road Safety in Poland

This report provides an assessment of the required features of a NLA for Poland to deliver its road safety ambitions, including the NLA’s structure, powers, mechanisms of influence, resourcing and staffing, as well as its lines of reporting in Government. The report also offers an action plan for the creation of the NLA by evolution rather than revolution, and ancillary changes required for its successes.

It provides a synthetic assessment of how well the SNRSC is performing the key features expected from a well performing NLA based on international good practice. It shows clearly that many of the key features are currently at best partly applicable to the SNRSC or not addressed at all. This reinforces the need for strengthening and better positioning of the NLA in the Polish public governance system.

This report also identifies the extensive and profound issues within self-government regarding road safety management, which represent a microcosm of similar issues at the national level. The issues may be exacerbated by duplication, fragmentations across regions, the multiple levels of self-government, and minimal resourcing and ownership of road safety in part due to the perception of small numbers of tragic crashes occurring on local roads because the problem has been fragmented across so many self-governments.

Finally, this report provides recommended vertical and horizontal coordination mechanisms to ensure the power and influence of the NLA and to influence key relationships between the stronger NLA, and lower levels of government and other non-government partners.