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Submitted by
Caroline Visser
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Asia(AS) & Oceania (AUS)

Report of the 1st Conference of Transportation Research Group of India (CTRG)

The objective of the conference is to provide a unique forum in India, for the interchange of ideas among transportation researchers, educators, managers, policymakers from all over the world, with the intention of covering all modes and sectors of transport (road, rail, air, and water; public and private; motorized and non-motorized) as well as all levels (urban, regional, inter-city, and rural transport) and for both passenger as well as freight movement. At the same time, to also address the transportation related issues of; safety, efficiency, economic and social development, local and global environmental impact, energy, land-use, equity and access for the widest range of travelers with special needs etc.

The report covers the highlights of the conference as well as the report of each Workshop that was conducted on the last day of conference. The idea of the workshop was to highlight and develop the agenda for transportation research, capacity building, and collaboration for next 2-3 years based on the present situation and needs of the country.