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Social Development, Rural Transport
Asia (AS)

Regional research design workshop for gender, poverty and mobility analysis of road transportation development in GMS.

All effective development, including infrastructure, involves the need for a recognition and harmonization of technical, social, economic, environmental and political goals. In the transport sector it is now becoming increasingly important that there is closer collaboration between all of the key disciplines. The development of better rural access and transport should lead to important benefits shared by rural people. In general terms these benefits are poverty reduction, job creation and access to socio-economic opportunities. Rural people should also benefit from involvement in the construction and the maintenance of the rural transport infrastructure. However, not all benefits are currently equally realized by women and men. The South East Asia Community Access Programme (SEACAP) is an initiative addressing problems of rural access and transport sustainability. It does this by developing a multi-disciplinary knowledge base for good decision making through carrying out projects of applied research into practice. This paper describes the SEACAP approach, project outputs that have a gender dimension, and it makes recommendations for further research into advancing gender equity in rural access and transport.