General Knowledge
Poppy A. Husband & Elizabeth J. Hellier
University of Plymouth
Published in
Submitted by
jean-rené BERRENGER
Related theme(s)
Road Safety
Europe (EU)
United Kingdom

Persuasive Methods of Communication – Evidence Base for Injury Prevention

There are various methods of communication that local authorities use to communicate messages to the public providing information about potential risk and increasing awareness of hazards. However, there is a lack of specific research to guide authorities about designing communications which suggests ‘they tend to be created with reference to technical considerations and legal obligations rather than to the psychological principles that determine their effectiveness’. The use of VMS displaying information on disruptions to the network has been suggested to reduce the effectiveness as a channel for communicating urgent warnings. The report highlights key aspects of communication design that can be applied to VMS and other methods of communication that local authorities can use to ensure messages are exchanged effectively.