General Knowledge
Haw, Chang and Ahmad
Opus Group Berhad
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Caroline Visser
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Performance Based Lifecylce Management of Highway Assets

Significant highway transportation assets are being developed, procured, and managed amongst a variety of procurement models. An important feature of these contemporary projects is the emphasis on sustainability of functionality. Under such evolving practices, prerequisites, comprising a combination of output and outcomebased parameters, are key deliverables. These parameters form the basis of performance measurements as key indicators that the asset is appropriately preserved and its functionality sustained throughout its lifecycle. Increasingly, these emerging contract models expands the role of the private sector, from the simple execution of works to the management and conservation of road assets and clearly defines the stewardship and governance responsibilities of the road agencies for the administration of these contacts.
This paper describes the concepts behind such Output and Performance-Based Long Term Road Contracts that embraces the principles of Total Asset Management. Details of key aspects are explained and references from latest developments are provided to give a clear understanding on the manner such performance measures are applied to ensure the physical condition of the roads under contract is adequate for the need of road users, over the entire period of the contract which is normally several years.
This paper was presented at the 1st World Congress and Exhibition on Infrastructure Asset Management (INFRAASSETS), Kuala Lumpur, 2011.