Position Papers
C. R. Tichauer and M. Watters
Provincial Government Western Cape (South Africa)
Published in
Submitted by
Peter Midgley, gTKP
Related theme(s)
Urban Mobility
Africa (AFR)
South Africa

N2 BMT lane – a first for South Africa

After the initial attempt to introduce a Bus & Minibus-Taxi (BMT) lane on the N2 freeway in 1995 the provincial and city road authorities in Cape Town reconsidered the need for enforcing a BMT lane in 2006. In August 2007 the BMT lane on the N2 freeway was relaunched, this time taking into account the lessons learnt from the first attempt. The section of the N2 reserved for BMT vehicles is 11 kilometers long and runs between the Borcherds Quarry interchange and the Black River Parkway interchange on the inbound carriageway during the morning peak period.

This paper describes the issues that were addressed in preparing for the implementation of the BMT lane (law enforcement, communication and technical), presents the results of the before and after study and ends with a conclusion regarding the success or not of the BMT lane.