Policy and Regulations
Swedish Transport Administration
Swedish Transport Administration
Published in
Submitted by
Caroline Visser
Related theme(s)
Europe (EU)

Multimodal ITS strategy and action plan for Sweden

In September 2009, the Government instructed the Swedish Road Administration (SRA), together with other authorities, enterprise and organizations involved, ”to draw up a multimodal transport strategy and action plan for the use of intelligent transport systems and services (ITS) in the transport system”. The objective is to expand the use of ITS solutions in order to exploit the potential of ITS for contributing to the attainment of the transport policy targets. The opportunities offered by ITS are not currently exploited to a desirable extent for increasing the efficiency and usability of the entire transport system. The strategy and action plan must cover both freight and passenger transport.

Many contributors have collaborated in the development of the strategy and action plan. The congress management committee from the ITS World Congress 2009 has served as the steering committee. A working group with representatives from the authorities and from enterprises together with a secretariat, has produced the source information, analyses and proposals. The proposals of the investigation emanate principally from workshops. The points of departure for the proposals were the problems and obstacles to the introduction of ITS, which were identified by the participants. An information meeting was held in the final stages of the investigation, with a collective discussion concerning the proposals of the investigation. The strategy and action plan proposals were submitted to the Ministry for Industry on 1 March 2010.