Overviews and Activity Reports
Urban Land Institute (ULI)
Published in
Submitted by
Susanna Zammataro
Related theme(s)
Environment & Climate Change
USA and Canada (USC)
United States of America

Moving cooler: Strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Executive Summary)

Moving Cooler examines how effectively transportation strategies could reduce GHG emissions by:
  • reducing the amount of vehicle travel,
  • getting people to travel in ways that use less fuel (e.g, walking, bicycling, riding in a bus or train, or carpooling), or
  • reducing the amount of fuel used in travel by improving the transportation system.
The study first looks at individual strategies. Then it looks at them in various combinations to see what cumulative effect they could achieve. Finally, bundles are examined using the effect of economy-wide fuel and carbon pricing and other nationwide pricing measures.

Link: Moving cooler:  Strategies for reducing greenhouse gas emissions (Executive Summary)

Link (website): http://www.movingcooler.info/about