Increasing environmental concerns are demanding engineering solutions in conjunction with eco-friendly sustainable systems in all the fields. Erosion control systems are one such field where developing sustainable bioengineering solutions may be the most effective solution. Most of the times, hostile environment present in sites makes it difficult for the vegetation to grow by itself. In such circumstances, suitable measures need to be adopted to provide an environment which helps the growth of vegetation. The paper gives an insight into one such technology, viz., Hydraulically applied erosion control measures with emphasize on the recent advancement in the field of bio-engineering. The significance of various factors such as agronomic soil testing, influence of climatic conditions in the selection of vegetative species, type of strata present, etc for establishing a sustainable vegetative cover has been highlighted. The selection and design aspects, a critical review of the existing standards for erosion control have also been illustrated in the paper.The successful application of the technology for a pilot/trail project at ‘Hindalco, Muri’ with redmud has been discussed in detail.
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General Knowledge
Rudra, Meenu P S, Moreno Scotto
Maccaferri Environmental Solutions Pvt Ltd.
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