General Knowledge
London Borough of Bromley
Partner Initiatives for the development of Mobility Management Services (PIMMS)
Published in
Submitted by
Peter Midgley
Related theme(s)
Urban Mobility
Europe (EU)

Mobility Management Performance in Partner Regions and in the EU

Mobility Management is an innovative demand-orientated approach to promote sustainable mobility. It is based on information, co-ordination and motivation, and complements traditional (infrastructure orientated) transport planning to achieve a modal shift away from unsustainable vehicle use.

PIMMS (Partner Initiatives for the development of Mobility Management Services) is a network operation focused on the exchange of best practice information between the eight project partners and between them and their regional partners. The core concept is that successful examples of mobility management are based on Critical Success Factors that can be applied in other circumstances. So PIMMS benchmarks good practice throughout Europe, and uses this as the basis to organise a series of Study Tours and Staff Exchanges so that key decision-makers in the partner organisations can see examples of success and be encouraged to emulate them in their own region.

The partners in the network have an extensive range of experience in mobility management: BROMLEY is the lead borough for the London European Partnership for Tansport, which aims to provide London with a coordinated approach to European transport activities and increase both the level and frequency of participation in EU project and policy work for the London Boroughs; GRAZ is a partner in Civitas/Trendsetter and SERRES & ALMADA are active in European mobility week and “In Town Without My Car!” (Almada shortlisted in the EU Mobility Week Awards 2004); TREVISO have developed road safety programmes; TERASSA have produced best practice on travel plans, whilst STOCKHOLM is a partner in Civitas/Trendsetter and represents Sweden on EPOMM.

The first step in thisr work has been to undertake the benchmarking. This report summarises this work and conclusions, based on benchmarking:
– known best practice examples identified through European networks and EU-funded projects.
– the quality and experience of the eight project-partners