Case Studies
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Published in
Submitted by
Susanna Zammataro
Related theme(s)
Environment & Climate Change, Urban Mobility, Social Development
Africa (AFR)

Mobility as a Driver for Economic Development: Tanzania-Dar es Salaam Case Study

The University of Dar es Salaam undertook this case study on behalf of the Mobility forDevelopment (M4D) Project at the WBCSD. The objectives of this case study are to assess the mobility challenges and opportunities within Tanzania with specific reference to Dar es Salaam. In particular, the study is designed to:
1. Raise awareness of the importance of the mobility as a driver for economic development
2. Examine opportunities to narrow the “mobility opportunity divide”
3. Identify high-priority sustainable mobility issues that can enable economic development in Tanzania and Dar es Salaam.

Link: Mobility as a Driver for Economic Development: Tanzania-Dar es Salaam Case Study