Overviews and Activity Reports
The MIT Laboratory for Energy and the Environment and Charles River Associates Incorporated
The World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), Switzerland.
Published in
Submitted by
Peter Midgley
Related theme(s)
Urban Mobility
All Regions

Mobility 2001: world mobility at the end of the twentieth century and its sustainability

The Sustainable Mobility Project (SMP) was established in 2000 by the World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD), to consider how global mobility patterns might evolve in the period to 2030 and beyond, what strategies exist to influence this evolution in ways that might make transport more sustainable, and what is required to enable these strategies to succeed. The project concentrated on mobility issues related to road transportation.

This initial study (Mobility 2001) assesses the worldwide state of mobility and identifies the particular challenges to making mobility more sustainable.