With the current demand for rigid pavement sustainability, supplementary cementitious materials (SCMs) are frequently used in concrete mixtures to improve the properties of mixture. The sustainable pavement should minimize the use of natural resources, reduce energy consumption and limit pollution. To construct sustainable rigid pavement, byproduct waste fly ash (FA) and ground granulated blast furnace slag (GGBFS) can be used as partial replacement of cement which can lead to eco-friendly construction of rigid pavement. It also reduces carbon footprint and other greenhouse gases which are emitted into air during manufacturing process of cement.
In this study effort have been made to study the influence of fly ash (FA) and Ground Granulated Blast Furnace Slag (GGBFS) on binary blended concrete mixes. In this experiment both fresh and harden properties of concrete mixes were studied. In this research, thirteen concrete mixtures (one control mixture, twelve binary mixtures) with various combinations of fly ash, GGBFS and portland cement were prepared. Two series of concrete mixes prepared i.e. (1) Binary blended concrete with FA (2) Binary blended concrete with GGBFS. All series of concrete mixes were prepared with same water-binder ratio of 0.38. Total cementitious material was kept constant which replacing cement with fly ash and GGBFS. The blending was done at 20%, 30%, 40%, 50%, 60% and 70% replacement of cement. Fresh properties of concrete were tested in term of compaction factor and harden properties of concrete were tested for compressive strength and flexural strength at 7, 28, and 90 days. Drying shrinkage of concrete was also tested after 28 days for all concrete mixes.
It was concluded that use of FA and GGBFS improve the properties of concrete. The results showed that concrete blended with GGBFS exhibit higher strength than concrete blended with fly ash. Fly ash blended concrete gained strength slowly compare to GGBFS blended concrete. The study indicates that binary blended concrete mixes are better than conventional concrete mixes.