Presentation / Webinar
Stefano Biondi, Marco Seathtolin, Sabato Fusco and Silvano Vernizzi
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ITS for Integrated Management of Highway Storm Water Run-off: The Treatment of Chronic Effects and the Protection from Acute Effects on the Environment Caused by Liquid Spills (Presentation 675)

The environmental impact of highways stormwater runoff represents a growing interest that nevertheless it’s often not properly studied and managed. The present paper presents the matured experience in stormwater runoff management through a process of several years in big infrastructure civil works in Veneto Region, an area deeply urbanized and industrialized and with a very rich artistic and environmental heritage. That needs lead to the creation of a centralized integrated system, inserted in the ITS capable to manage all the environmental aspects tied to highways runoff, from the ordinary management and control of the chronic impacts to the extraordinary emergencies issues due to accidental spills, including also the management of the maintenance scheduling and interventions.