The objective of this research is to analyze the impact of the implementation new public transport corridor to the existing corridor at network level. Jakarta BRT System is taken as a case study. The discussion is focused on the development of public transport network model and the operational plan strategies. The supply model consists of road network with its attributes and other traffic systems, while the demand model combines point-based origin-destination and zone-based origin-destination trip. Several strategies which consider service line, operational aspects, fare system, and integration concept were developed. The predetermined strategies were incorporated into the model, and then simulated. The results, in term of operational bus performance and demand magnitude were analyzed. Simulation to the model yields to different impacts on the existing corridor due to different strategies applied. This result leads to the adjustment of the operational aspects of existing corridor in order to obtain optimum benefit at network level.
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Position Papers
Alvinsyah and Zulkati
Center for Transport Studies, Civil Engineering Department, University of Indonesia (Indonesia)
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Submitted by
Peter Midgley, gTKP
Related theme(s)
Urban Mobility
Asia (AS)