General Knowledge
Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe (OSCE); United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE)
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sevinc yaman
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Handbook of Best Practices at Border Crossings – A Trade and Transport Facilitation Perspective

The main purpose of the present Handbook is to assist the 56 OSCE participating States/UNECE member States in the development of more efficient border and customs policies through the promotion of existing best practices in this field. It is hoped that the publication will become in the first place a reference document for national Policy makers and senior customs and border officials, it is also aimed at representatives of transport agencies, the business community and civil society. It is expected that it would contribute to further dialogue and be used for reference by those drafting border management policies aimed at facilitating legal trans-border commercial movement while paying due attention to the necessary demands made by security. It is to provide concrete examples from across our region and beyond on how border crossing points can be made increasingly efficient and secure, thereby facilitating smooth trade and transport operations while at the same time reducing the possibilities for corruption, illicit trafficking, and transnational crime and terrorism. It pays particular attention to road border crossing points but also touches upon border crossing points along railways and at sea ports. The publication aims to compensate for the fact that the negative economic impact of inefficient border crossings is not always given the consideration it deserves. Cumbersome procedures at borders increase the costs of transport operations and hamper international trade and foreign investments. This is the Handbook’s underlying rationale.