The European Commission is initiating activities to increase the level of Green Public Procurement (GPP) in all Member States. With this objective in mind the Directorate-General for the Environment (DG-ENV) commissioned a Consortium of five European organisations “to develop a measurement tool and measure the current level of GPP cross the European Union (EU), plus make available examples of environmental technical specifications for a series of product and service groups identified as the most suitable for ‘greening’”.
This summary contains the headline findings of the assessment stage of the study: to map the status of GPP in the 25 Member States. Two measurements have been performed on public bodies in the 25 Member States: 1) on the basis of responses to 860 questionnaires and 2) by analysing the use of environmental criteria in more than 1000 tender documents from all the Member States. The findings can be categorised as follows: GPP performance of countries, barriers to GPP and differences in GPP by product groups.
The status of this report is a working document, halfway the service contract, to enable discussion and related activities by the Member States and DG-ENV.