Transport for London (TfL) aims to achieve five per cent mode share for cycling by 2025, requiring a 400 per cent increase in cycling levels from the year 2000 daily cycle trips. London has already seen a significant rise in the
number of people cycling with a 91 per cent increase on London’s major roads since 2000.
There is a pronounced increase in cycling usage across the Capital, more money is being spent on cycling facilities and more people are considering taking up this cheap, healthy and environmentally friendly form of transport. A cycle hire scheme would add further momentum to this trend and increase the accessibility of cycling for certain groups.
For these reasons, TfL was asked to conduct a study to test the feasibility of introducing a cycle hire scheme in central London.
The study has been initiated and produced by a partnership headed by the Clear Zones Partnership that consists of representation from the London Borough of Camden, the City of London, Westminster City Council, TfL and
the Royal Parks.
This report focuses on high-level issues, which are critical to determine the feasibility of a central London cycle hire scheme