General Knowledge
Mr. Rajiv Sharaf
Reliance Infrastructure Ltd, India
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Submitted by
Mr. Rajiv Sharaf
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Asia(AS) & Oceania (AUS)

Enterprise Road Management System

Reliance Infrastructure Ltd has a vision to be amongst the most admired and trusted integrated utility companies in the world, delivering reliable and quality products and services to all its customers, with international standards of customer care. It is R-Infra’s mission to be a technology driven company, promoting innovation for customer satisfaction.

RInfra has deployed Enterprise Road Management System (ERMS) in its road business. Prior to initiating the project, RInfra had conducted a detailed survey of the pitfalls in the road business, areas of revenue leakages, scope to arrest the leakages and the possible value additions to its business. The market survey details were brainstormed with all the concerned stakeholders and a core team was comprised to address the problem statement. A detailed project charter was prepared capturing business objectives, business value the initiative shall be creating, resources to be deployed, risks involved and a detail risk mitigation plan.

The methodology helped in devising a scientific approach while evaluating a solution for its internal and external customers.