General Knowledge
Matthew Lynch, Sue Cavill & Lily Ryan-Collins
Chartered Institution of Highways & Transportation, Engineers Against Poverty
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jean-rene BERRENGER
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Engineers against Poverty Briefing Note Maximising the Social Development Outcomes of Roads and Transport Projects

This guidance note considers opportunities to maximise the contribution of roads and transportation projects to social development and poverty reduction. The main focus is on developing countries; however, many of the issues and recommendations are also applicable in a developed country context.

The guidance note is structured in three parts:

  • PART 1 – An introduction to the importance of transportation services to development, highlighting the ‘business case’ for transport industry professionals to consider social issues in detail in project design and implementation.
  • PART 2 – An overview of ten key social and developmental dimensions of transportation projects. These are: national economic development; rural transport; urban transport; road safety; health; mobility for disadvantaged groups; employment and livelihood opportunities; operation and maintenance; corruption and accountability; climate change and environment.
  • PART 3 Three key strategies to ensure social issues are appropriately addressed in project design and implementation, plus a list of further useful resources. The key strategies are: effective stakeholder identification, engagement and participation; comprehensive social impact assessment; monitoring and evaluation through the entire project lifecycle.