Overviews and Activity Reports
World Business Council for Sustainable Development (WBCSD)
Published in
Submitted by
Susanna Zammataro
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Environment & Climate Change, Finances & Economics, Governance
All Regions

Enabling Frameworks for Technology Diffusion

In its latest report on Enabling Frameworks for Technology Diffusion, the WBCSD puts forward six key elements to enhance investments and sales of low-carbon technologies in developing countries for different sectors (Power, Cement, Road Transport, Buildings and Sustainable forests). These range from government signals to foster low-carbon solutions to engaging business more actively into the international and national climate change process.

The diffusion of low-carbon technologies to developing countries is necessary to achieving a 450 parts per million (ppm) atmospheric CO 2 target and keeping an increase of global temperature below 2ºC. As key providers of technology and innovation, companies can support these targets but the transition to a low-carbon growth will be facilitated if governments set up frameworks that are conducive to investment in the first place.