General Knowledge
Bert van Wee, Karst Geurs
European Journal of Transport and Infrastructure Research
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sevinc yaman
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Discussing Equity and Social Exclusion in Accessibility Evaluations

This paper aims to discuss the relevance of distribution effects and equity, and social exclusion for accessibility, based on the literature. The focus is on the ex ante evaluation of transport policy options (including infrastructure plans). Based on the overview we propose an agenda for potential future research in this area. Section 2 gives a brief overview of the literature on accessibility. Section 3 argues that it may be important if a low level of access to opportunities results from voluntarily made choices or not. Section 4 discusses equity and related distribution issues of accessibility. Section 5 places social exclusion in the context of ethics and accessibility. Section 6 summarizes the most important
conclusions and Section 7 presents suggestions for a research agenda in the area of accessibility and ethics.